Welcome home!

Resultado de imagem para follow me gif"                  When I was a kid I used to hear that Santo Antônio was the Bahia's cheapest trade. Then, I grew up with the idea that was the only thing to do here, but now, I can see that the things isn't pretty like that. I found love in the streets of my city. I discorvered that there are so many bright places, so many blaze things to see, and so much to do here. Follow me, throught my memories beyond the maps.
            The city has changed a lot since I was born. The Padre Mateus Square passed throught countless changes until turn itself in that beautiful place the I love to see in the photos. There is a church. There is a water fountain. There are some trees, and you can hear the birds, and admirar the flowers, but the prettiest the I ever saw there is the sunsent. There is no other like that, the way the colors converge becaming something entirely new is unbelieveble.

            There is some photos of the squaze under the daylight, if you want to see the sunset that I talked about you should come here.

Resultado de imagem para praça do rango saj" Resultado de imagem para praça do rango saj"
Resultado de imagem para praça do rango saj" Resultado de imagem para praça do rango saj"

            That's my favorites pics of the Matriz Church. One of them was take by my friend @olharlucas:
            I won't be so mean. I will let you see a lit bit of how divine is when the sun is going down:

             That is enough. We have to continue our Tour.


            You may agree that eating is a unique pleasure. So, there is my favorites places.
"Chocolate com pimenta" is a delicatessen that when you pass thought the door you feel like you just travelled in time, because you feel like you've put yourself inside "Pride And Prejudge" movie. Jane Austen Would Love it. 


              I'm couldn't forget about "Bôgatô". After I became vegetarian, I used to eat more sweet foods and this is my favorite EVER. There is a pie that i can say that is almost taste like heaven. The chocolate. The cake. Everything. I close my eyes and i don't need to picture myself in Paris. Because i'm here, in Santo Antônio, and this places tastes good to me.


           If you prefer salty foods, there is a place with some foodtrucks. It's called "Praça do rango". You can try the expirience of visit the Bus Burger, and restaurant inside a bus. There's some others hamburger shop here. But is you are vegetarian like me you can go to Bob's an but some fries.

Resultado de imagem para praça do rango saj" Resultado de imagem para burger bus santo antonio de jesus"

           The best part of the year in that city is the Feast of Saint John and Christmas. The beauty of the city blooms like a flower in the spring. The city use to recive to many turist in this time. There is a amazing energy. As close of the end of the year you are, you can feels like santa claus is coming to the town, brings with him a novidade wind. The most remarkable thing here is Saint John, no one can deny. The food, the music, all the things aligned to provoke the best feelings in you. There are some many ice cream shops that you can go, some stores that you can buy something that you want. And, when the night comes, you must to prepare yourelf to dance until the sun rise in next morning. I could even think that you would be tired, but in this city, you'll feel alive.


With all my days in Earth I learned one thing: The beauty is in our point of view.
So, full your eyes with love, and come to find yourself in Santo Antonio de Jesus.


Love, Arthur
